Thursday, July 30, 2009

The role of government and NRA

I agree with the controversial topics the blogger brings up in this article, from the left-leaning blog Huffington Post, on the United States gun policy. The point the author brings up, “I accept the NRA slogan that: "Guns Don't Kill People; People Kill People". But, call me crazy, I think a person who did not have a gun would have difficulty shooting anybody”, is a really good point and makes you think. I strongly oppose all the current action on the gun policy and I don’t think hand weapons should be easily accessible. “The irony to me in this argument is that the danger caused by the vast prevalence of weapons in this country has been caused, or at least encouraged, in large measure by the acts of the NRA and its advocates. It is their policies which have made guns so accessible and available.” The point the author brings up, “I have read the arguments that restrictions do not work, that gun deaths are down; that restrictions only affect the law-abiding not the criminals, etc., but the numbers of dead and wounded from guns seem to be irrelevant. I read statistics that 30,000 die each year and about 70,000 are wounded by guns, many of whom include children”, hits the argument center in the head; nothing compares to someone’s life. The author’s intended audience is left-leaning adults who oppose NRA. The creditability is legitimate because the author is Judge H. Lee Sarokin, who retired in 1996 after 17 years on the federal bench.

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