Friday, August 14, 2009

Commentary on my classmate's blog

The whole situation with Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. Crowley was blown out proportion. To make the situation worse, President Obama fired up some racial tension with his comments on the situation. " Are the American people turned off by the way President Obama handled this controversy? According to a poll by the Pew Research Center, yes, 41 percent of those polled disapproved of the president's handling of the arrest, 29 percent approve, 30 percent don't know." Most people believe this whole situation would not have become so popular, let alone reach the President's level, if race was not involved. It is very interesting reading about the story from two totally different news websites. For example FOX news reports that, "The officer who arrested him, Sgt. James Crowley, said Gates became belligerent and called him a racist after he asked for identification. Gates accused police of racial profiling and called Crowley a "rogue cop." CNN website steps back and reports that, "But within all that time and coverage, there is still one question that is yet to be asked: Why didn't the conservatives support professor Gates? Think about it. If this truly were a post-racial America, as so many of my conservative friends tell me, then wouldn't Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and the likes have flooded the airwaves in support of professor Gates?" My classmate reports on the comment made by Office Barrett, which was totally inappropriate. "Morano states that, "Officer Barrett did not call professor Gates a jungle monkey or malign him racially... he said his behavior was like that of one. It was a characterization of the actions of that man." Whether his behavior was that of one or not, to compare Gates to a "jungle monkey" is completely offensive and does immediately offer the suggestion that Barret is a racist." I strongly agree with my classmate that the whole situation was bad and to add on, there was a racial comment. My classmate also brings up a very good point that, "Whatever the outcome is, the comment was inappropriate and Barrett deserves a punishment." His comment was unnecessary and he need to realize that we are a post-racial nation.


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